Sunday, April 13, 2008


First of all, I am excited that we watched two movies in one night at the theatre. The first one was 21. Inspired by the book - Bringing down the house by Ben Mezrich, which is based on the true story of six MIT students who took Vegas for millions by counting cards.

An amazing book and the inspired movie was no less - though I admit, I am not sure if there was a reason why they couldn't make the movie based on (and not inspired by) the book. Good performances by Kevin Spacey & Jim Sturgess. A must watch movie...

The other movie of the evening; Krazzy 4 - the less said about it the better.

Rating ****

Click here for teaser

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jus' Vish-ful Thinking or seriously plannin a heist, Mr Dhamija ?

Two heist recommendations in a row - a bank job & a casino job ...Hhhmmm .... No Mini Coopers but I also note further investments in new cars .....

ME & MI (5 & 6) are watchin' - but dont give a Dham - jus' go ahead & Dhamija it !!
