Sunday, December 09, 2007

...and the Oscar for the best orginal script of 2007 goes to...

..The Darwin Conspiracy.

If I had read this in a fiction, I would not shunned it as too imaginative.

"March 2002: A man vanished in the sea and his canoe was found after weeks of police search. As the body wasn't found an inquest declared him dead in 2003. His wife claimed insurance.

Nov 2007: The man (John Darwin) walked into a London police station and says: "I think I am a missing person" and claimed he does not remember anything after a family holiday since 2000 (A case of complete amnesia!) The police contacted his family, only to find that his wife (Anne) had sold off all their UK properties just 6 weeks back and emigrated to Panama.

As the story unfolded, the police discovered the whole fraud. It was planned from the very beginning - the vanishing, the insurance claims, the move to Panama....

Mr Darwin has been charged, while Mrs Darwin is still not back from Panama (she is selling her story to every tabloid in town before she gets arrested)

I am still not convinced that the story is complete...there is definitely more to it. Let's wait for Anne Darwin's arrest.

Click here for teaser

Script: **********

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