Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Finally (still fingers crossed...)

I was a bit harsh on Allen Carr three months ago when I claimed that their therapy did not work. It certainly did - though it had a delayed reaction (on me). I did smoke for another day before I kicked the addiction in September.
It's been three months now and I have not smoked a single cigarette (or cigar or pipe or...). The fact that smoking has been totally banned in England in bars, pubs & restaurants helps.
On a recent trip to Morocco - I had everyone smoking around me in enclosed places (there is no smoking ban there), but I did not feel the need to light up at all.
I have succeeded, this time (I think). So for all those who really want to quit smoking, may I recommend the Allen Carr method. If it is not available in your country, please read the book. It helps.


Steve said...

Hey this is awesome.... congratulations.... felicitações.... Glückwünsche..... 祝贺 (everything has to have a little of chinese these days!! :-) )

BonVoyage said...

Congratulations! Best thing you can do.(GDS, are you listening)

There is a saying...once a smoker, always in denial- The urge never completely goes away and one is just one puff away from reverting back. Just a little advice from someone who smoked 40 cigarettes a day from age 15 until finally giving it up 8 years ago. (I used the patch)

Keep it up- though from what I hear, if you could resist the multi flavored Moroccan hookah, there isn't much in the way of temptation that can be more inviting as far as tobacco is concerned.

Now, I need advice on the alcohol...any recommendations?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Allen Carr has a book for stopping alcohol use as well, though I haven't read it. Can't hurt, right?